Wednesday, 27 November 2019

When was the Last time You Offered a Rainbow Bridge Memorial?

Probably you have lost several pets and at no one time did you think of having a rainbow bridge memorial. The nice moments you had with the pets can all remain hidden in the hearts, however, when you have something physical to keep the memories alive, it really makes a huge difference.  There are many ways we can honor other people or even pets and the use of carved stones is a great way to do so.

Pet Memorials

You can remember the beautiful moments and memories you had with your lovely pet by having a carved stone memorial for the pet. Pet markers may also enable you to keep the memories alive forever. A rainbow bridge poem featured in picture slates serves as a great reminder of the bellowed pet.

Military Plaques

We honor people for the great work they do – and our military personnel should come first for their work. You can use military plaques whether a carved stone or a photo slate to honor the individuals. The military person - whether they served in the past or are already serving -will be proud to display the stones and slates in their homes or gardens.

The little things we do to our friends and loved ones help connect us emotionally. Offering armed forces plaques as a gift or an item to show you honor your friend or family member is a great way to keep memories alive.